


Hi! Thanks for visiting!

My name is Derek and I’m a Dad, Husband, and Photographer based in Los Angeles. I specialize in capturing kids and families just being themselves, while in a beautiful location and in beautiful light. For every photography session I only have 2 goals: Have fun and make great photos.

Should you hire a photographer? Nearly every night before bed, my wife and I scroll through a shared album on our phones, reliving the moments that happened just yesterday, or last week, or gaze in wonder at how much smaller she was just a few months ago. I realize every day how important it is to have these memories in photographs, and if you’re on the fence about a photo session, just do it - whether with me or someone else, don’t regret not having these amazing memories captured in beautiful photos.

Browse the gallery below. If you’re interested in booking a session, click the button at the bottom of the page or simply give me a call: 818-633-0372. I hope to hear from you soon!


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