What Can I Do For You?

Hi there! Thanks for visiting my site and browsing my photos, I hope you're having a great time here. As a photographer, I love taking photos of people, but exactly what that means is bundled up in the packages listed below. These are my specialties, click through for more information! 



So, you need a really good photo of your face to present yourself in a professional context? This is for you. Includes a limited number of photos, retouched to perfection.



Family photos, graduation photos, or any other type of photography where we go out and about to take photos of you in the wild. Includes all the good photos, with basic editing for lighting and tone. 


Fashion/Modeling/Test Shoots

Where do I see myself in 5 years? Doing fashion photography, always. This is my true passion. Similar to session photography, but with dynamic poses, options to do multiple outfits and/or locations, and an edgier look in the final edits.